Sunday, November 21, 2021

How Do We Talk About Issues That Matter?

Why is it that the issues that matter are often the most difficult to speak about? Could it be because these conversation make us uncomfortable? I think we find these conversations uncomfortable because we have never been taught how to have these conversations so we are simply out of practice. Through this module we learned few strategies that can be used in the classroom to help facilitate conversations about issues that matter. The three strategies shown are the Big Paper Strategy, The Barometer Strategy, and The Fishbowl Strategy. Each of these strategies helps children practice speaking about issues that matter in a way that helps them feel comfortable enough about their ideas to share them with others. We can engage in these kind of conversations by not shying away because that gets us nowhere. Avoidance does not make these issues go away, it just allows them to get bigger and continue occurring without anyone putting a stop to it. In order to talk about these issues we have to be able to not speak out, but listen to the opinions of others even if they do not align with ours. It is so much easier to talk with those who share the same views as us because we do not have to worry about them disagree with us turning the conversation sour. Talking with those who share the same ideas with us is nice, but it does not make the same impact as talking with others who hold other views does. When we talk about issues that matter with other we may find a meeting point where we both can implement change for the better. So, how do we talk about issues that matter? By having an open mind, speaking up, and not shying away from these kind of conversations. 

Until the next post,


11/21/2021 10:03pm

1 comment:

  1. Hi Holly! I thought that your blog post was great, and I really enjoyed getting to read it. I completely agree that the reason we feel uncomfortable having hard conversations is because we are unpracticed in having them. I really liked how you said that avoiding the topics does not make them go away. This is something that happens very often, and I am even guilty of doing it myself, but it is better to have the hard conversation because it creates room for so much growth. I also liked how you said that it is not just about sharing our opinions. Listening to the stories and perspectives of others is so powerful, and I think it is important to remember that half of the conversation is listening and gaining perspectives different from your own. I thought your post was very well written, and I enjoyed learning about your perspective on talking about issues that matter!


How Do We Talk About Issues That Matter?

Why is it that the issues that matter are often the most difficult to speak about? Could it be because these conversation make us uncomforta...