Sunday, October 3, 2021

What Rights Should Be Protected for Students and Teachers?


I believe all of our civil rights should be upheld in the classroom, but I do think there are respectful limits for each right. For example, the first amendment should be upheld but there are limitations to this, students have to respect the classroom rules and in return their rights will be respected. Students could disrupt the class and try to get away with it by saying it is their first amendment right. Religion should also not be forced on students or instructors with the exception of private religious schools where students are enrolled by choice. Then according to the Free Exercise Clause, students and teachers may discuss religion as they wish as long as they are not promoting or forcing it onto others. Schools should also respect the right to privacy, especially when it comes to search and seizure. Property must be respected and not taken or looked through without good reason, but I believe the school also has the right to prohibit certain things from being brought onto campus for safety reasons. Schools should also grant everyone the freedom of expression and individuality as long as it does not violate or provoke others. I also believe the eighth amendment should be more strongly enforced in schools, especially ones that still use forms of corporal punishment. I think it would be a good idea the create a classroom bill of rights with your students that helps them maintain and know their rights within the classroom. Informing students and teachers on their rights only ensures that everyone is treated fairly to help promote a healthy learning environment. 

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